Thursday Oct 01, 2020
15: Tempests in Teapots
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
John, Alison and Liz are running a convention.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media.
- Letters of comment:
- Claire Brialey #1
- Mark Plummer #1
- Claire Brialey #2
- Lilian Edwards & Alison Scott
- Mark Plummer #2
- Bridget Bradshaw
- Eastercon
- Punctuation.
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license.
Poetry corner!
Claire Brialey’s poem:
This isn’t prose; perhaps it makes it better.
At least it’s all in email, not a letter.
Discussing podcasts makes you rather meta,
And less is more, so let’s not get courgetter.
Mark Plummer’s clerihew:
Alison Scott’s erudition
Does not enslave her to tradition
But John’s misuse of the word “plethora”
Will be the death of her
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
14: A Rabbit Hole of Courgettes and Folk Music
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
John is making a podcast, Alison is gone again, and Liz is chairing GlobeCon™.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment:
- Mark Plummer
- Researching the Golden Age starts at ~49 minutes on the Scioto Sunday recording
- The Technological Dreams of AfroFuturism starts at ~1h50m on the Olentangy Sunday recording
- John didn’t put these links in the show notes last week
- Lilian Edwards
- Karen Schaffer
- España Sheriff
- Mark Plummer
- International conventions
- Will Eastercon happen?
- ConFusion has released Progress Report 1
- We’ve heard rumours of a convention on Novacon weekend (shhh)
- Aftershow
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license.
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
13: Wakanda Forever
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
John is in the wrong Zoom, Alison is tactful, and Liz went to her first online convention.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment were sent from Mark Plummer, Claire Brialey and Ian Sorensen
- Chadwick Boseman has died of cancer
- NASFiC 2020 was held online
- Liz attended:
- Researching the Golden Age with Alec Nevala-Lee and Farah Mendlesohn
- The Technological Dreams of AfroFuturism with Dan Tres Omi, Eboni Dunbar, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, and Sheree Renée Thomas
- Panel recordings do not appear to be available, but the schedule is here
- Liz attended:
- Virtually Expo was the online UK Games Expo
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license.
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
12: You Seem to Be a Very Nice Shape, John
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
John is sort of John-shaped, Alison quite fancies a fantastic beach holiday, and Liz is compensating.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Upcoming site selection
- Chicon 8 (Chicago, USA) was voted in as the 2022 Worldcon, beating Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
- Chengdu (China) is bidding for 2023
- Jeddah is bidding in 2026
- George R.R. Martin hosted the Hugo Awards
- reCONvene 2020
- Upcoming conventions:
- Virtual NASFiC 2020
- Virtually Expo (the online edition of the UK Games Expo)
- Futuricon
- Please send us more poems!
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
11: Definitely Glowing Right Now
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
John, Alison and Liz are live from Liz’s house!*
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment:
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
*May be a lie.
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
10: We’re Gonna Turn the Virus Off for an Hour
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
John is channelling Ian Sorensen, Alison is on Sydney time, and Liz has written a poem.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment:
- Max Harden tells us she listens at 3x speed, and says “If only we could speed up pub chats too”.
- This gives John the idea for a panel show; have people listen to podcasts at various speeds, see how much they understood, and then have them drink alcohol and repeat!
- Dave Mansfield says he often doesn’t have time to read all the BSFA nominees and thanks us for reminding him you can abandon books you dislike
- Mark Plummer sent a clerihew to John which cannot be broadcast, and a triptych which can
- The triptych is printed below
- Liz wrote a limerick in response to Mark’s clerihew, also below
- Max Harden tells us she listens at 3x speed, and says “If only we could speed up pub chats too”.
- Alison’s GUFF trip has started!
- Virtual conventions
- Hugo Awards
- Alison wrote about the Best Fancast
- If you’re looking here for a picture of Alison looking confused, I misspoke: look at the album art instead
- Anki
- Aftershow
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Liz’s limerick
- The poems of Croydon fan Plummer,
- Entertain Octothorpe for the summer.
- Though his rhymes are first class,
- They’re too rude to broadcast,
- Which is really a bit of a bummer.
Mark’s triptych
- Doctor John the boy Coxon
- Didn’t notice several LOCs on
- Octothorpe because he hadn’t checked
- And thus he failed to Mark protect
- Liz Batty (also Doctor)
- Didn’t know so many people had LOCced her
- Octothorpe’s a fannish gestalt
- But in this respect it’s all John’s fault
- GUFF winner Alison Scott
- Has several Novas and she has also got
- Two Hugos for the fanzine Plokta
- But unlike John and Liz she’s [Fremulon] not a doctor
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
9: The Mark Neglection League
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
John is an entryist from the Mark Neglection League, Alison is podcasting from a Secret Remote Location, and Liz would like to see the cats.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment:
- Claire “Correct” Brialey, Lilian “Time-Traveller” Edwards, “Crazy” Dave Mansfield, Helena “Not Andrew or Mark” McCallum, Mark “Neglection League” Plummer
- Alison is preparing for her virtual GUFF trip
- 11 July–2 August
- We are going to be doing a live recording from virtual Liz’s house, with real Liz and virtual Alison and John
- CoNZealand
- We discuss the new wave of #MeToo in the SF/comics/gaming communities
- Staying sane in the apocalypse:
- Liz is reading New Suns
- John has printed the following on Dox Direct:
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
8: We Promise We’ll Read It This Time
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
John is bad at emails, Liz is bad at Twitter, and Alison is going to be quieter this week.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- We are really sorry to the following people who we inadvertently ignored for ages:
- Andrew January
- Andrew Hogg
- Mark Olson
- Mark Plummer
- Black Lives Matter follow-up:
- The WSFS Business Meeting “cannot” go online
- (Our perspective on this is perhaps quite British)
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
7: Pontificating from a Complete State of Ignorance
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Black lives matter.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Black Lives Matter:
- Virtual conventions:
- Balticon:
- A mixture of Zoom and Discord with Twitch and YouTube
- España Sheriff attended Balticon
- CoNZealand:
- The Nebulas:
- Alison spoke to Steven H. Silver about how the Nebulas went
- John Scalzi posted his set list from the disco
- Wiscon:
- We did not attend! If you did, send us locs!
- Virtually Expo (UK Games Expo)
- 21–23 August 2020
- Free at the point of use, but you can donate
- Balticon:
- Hugo Voter Packet
- It has been made available
- What’s in the HVP
- Staying sane in the apocalypse
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license
Thursday May 28, 2020
6: The Marvel Cinematic Universe Extruded Product
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
John has seen it all, Alison hasn’t seen Us, and Liz hasn’t seen Star Wars.
Please email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media!
- Letters of comment
- España went to WiFi SciFi
- Two Chairs Talking
- A podcast from two Australian ex-Worldcon chairs about SF
- Let us know about any other fannish podcasts!
- Hugo Award finalists for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
- Michael Sheen and David Tennant are to star in Staged on BBC One
- Our theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license